Changing with the time: New ventures’ quest for innovation

13 page Publication by Roman Barwinski, Yixin Qiu, Muhammad Aslam & Thomas Clauß , ,
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Abstract in English:

New ventures are often based on new ideas and innovation. For creating and improving the innovation new ventures can draw on internal and external resources, to which they often have limited access. Our study analyses how new ventures can improve their innovation search by entering collaborative workspaces, so-called co-working spaces. In our qualitative study, we use participative observation and analyze 8 cases of new ventures operating in a coworking-space. Key findings are that forms of innovation search differ with respect to the venture’s life cycle. The new ventures search focus alternates between internal and external search, depending on the current stage of the venture. In general, the co-location of ventures in collaborative workspaces offers rich opportunities for social interactions, information exchange, and collaboration which are especially important for early-stage ventures.

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Journal Journal of Small Business Strategy
Publication Year 2020
Volume 30(1)

English | Discipline Business