About the Library
About the Project
This project’s goal is to provide an interdisciplinary open online database in which all current and former research about coworking can be found. We provide links to the papers/books, but do not provide any files due to copyright restrictions. In many cases you can contact the author of the work yourself.
There is an English abstract of all entries regardless of the language the publication uses. It is free to access the library as this project was made possible with the help of many partners.
Who's behind this project
Johanna Voll and Carsten Foertsch have been actively working on this non-profit project for the past three years. Together they curate and maintain the Coworking Library. Hector Kolonas stepped in recently to build out the tech layer.

Johanna Voll
Researcher and Coworking enthusiastJohanna is a researcher at the European University Viadrina, board member of the German Coworking Federation e.V. and coworking enthusiast.

Carsten Foertsch
Founder of Deskmag and the Global Coworking SurveyCarsten conducts the annual Global Coworking Survey and operates Deskmag, the online magazine about coworking, its people and spaces.

Hector Kolonas
Founder of included.co and built coworkinglibrary.comHector is the founder of included.co which provides powerful member benefit programmes to 100s of coworking, freelancer and gig-economy communities.
Special Thanks To
Cowork 7/24 that developed the first version of our website with us,
International Coworking researchers, especially Alexandra Bernhardt, the
Research Group Collaborative Spaces (RGCS),
students from the European University Viadrina,
European Coworking Assembly,
and many more from the global Coworking Family!