A community project by Johanna, Carsten, Hector and amazing people like you.

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A community-focussed project

Supported by the community

When Johanna and Carsten started exploring the idea of building and running a global index of all the world's coworking research, there was one thing that was non-negotiable.

The Coworking Library must always be, now and forever, free to use for the public.

Countless hours, sweat, tears, a little bubble gum and some dreams have gone into building v1 of the Coworking Library and with Hector handling the code whispering; there's still a lot more the project can and will do.

But as with all lovely things, both online and offline, sustainability is key, and so a decision would have to be made at some point about how to fund the project independently and in the long-term.

In order to maintain transparency and to avoid the site being covered with branded logos (from some awesome companies), it was decided to do something drastically different.

In order to ensure that this community resource stays sustainable, we've turned to you, the community for contributions instead.

Whether you're a coworking enthusiast, a student studying the sector, a company or that South African who sent a car into space, you can contribute whatever you can or want via the form below, and know that those funds will be used to support the project and it's long-term sustainability.

Make a Contribution

Big or small, we appreciate your support

Please contact us for more information about contributing to the Coworking Library project

Recent Contributions

Our appreciated patrons.

🙏 Coworkland: €250.
🙏 Anonymous patron: €50.
🙏 Anonymous patron: €5.
🙏 Anonymous patron: €15.
🙏 Bernie: €50.
🙏 Coworking0711: €120 (Annually) .
🙏 Fernando Mendes: €10 (Monthly) .

A bit more info

As we understand you may have questions.

Who is The Coworking Library and where is the money going?

The Coworking Library project is a stand-alone European Coworking Assembly (ECA) project that is run by Johanna Voll, Carsten Foertsch and Hector Kolonas.

Whilst it is supported by the German Coworking Federation, Deskmag and included.co; this project is run as a freelance project by the 3 individuals named above.

Payments are made by Stripe's secure payment process to a bank account held by the ECA and allocated to a fund only accessible by the Coworking Library team.

What kind of results have been seen so far?

428 publications indexed, spanning 11,350 pages.