Emerging work patterns and different territorial contexts: Trends for the coworking sector in pandemic recovery

Publication by Irene Manzini Ceinar, Carolina Pacchi & Ilaria Mariotti , ,
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Abstract in English:

Objectives: The paper aims to explore and unpack the complexity of coworking’s users and supply (i.e. coworking spaces), based on the recent trends caused by Covid19. It is discussed whether and how coworking’s environment increases its diversification in terms of users and the spatial and policy implications linked to this shift. Methodology: The study embraces a qualitative approach exploring the existing literature on the emerging dynamics in the field of work, moving from an overview of recent trends across Europe based on existing international surveys. Results: New possible scenarios may be based on different forms of proximity, not just in the dense metropolitan cores, but also in other types of territories, where the population may decide to selectively re-distribute, and the question will be how to supply all these areas with effective, efficient and equal opportunities in terms of jobs and services. The study highlights the diffusion of shared workspaces in different forms: traditional coworking spaces catering for freelancers and knowledge workers, but also workspaces in which employees from large organisations (public and private) will spend part of their working week, hybrid spaces based on peculiar combinations of locally required services (related to both jobs and care), third-spaces based on some form of everyday recreational activities, and many others. Limits and implications: The pandemic is still ongoing and, since the paper focuses on the review of existing literature and surveys in a changing context, its main limitation is the ability to collect verifiable and up-to-date data. Originality: The paper’s uniqueness lies in the prefiguration of a range of development directions concerning the relationship between work practices and collaborative spaces in different territories, exploring how local and diffused dynamics might be the opportunity for a potential transformation of work patterns.

Open Access? Yes

Journal Professionalità studi
Publication Year 2021
Volume 4
Publisher ADAPT University Press
ISSN/ISBN 0392-2790

English | Discipline Business