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Abstract in English:
This paper analyzes two training experiences at Paris East Marne-la-Vallee University (UPEM) as service innovations: an entrepreneurship program for unemployed young people in disadvantaged urban areas (les Groupements de Createurs) and a coworking space built in the university (Sandbox 212). An analytical model is proposed to assess to which extent these are innovative initiatives and thus create value. This model articulates the concepts of “dispositive” of Foucault and situation of Goffman to better understand the composition and functioning of these two initiatives. It analyzes the construction of social reality by the various stakeholders, with emphasis on interactions. By combining the looks of information and communication science and management science, the research lies in a research-action approach. The service innovation in both analyzed cases appears as a contribution to the “value creation” (Garel, 2011) by encouraging entrepreneurship students, and by facilitating cooperation of the actors in different ways: (1) personal reconstruction of the creators throughout the development of their own economic activity, and (2) emergence of new forms of cooperation between various and heterogeneous actors which encourage new types of relationships and thus promote service innovation.
Book Title ICERI Proceedings
Publication Year 2014
ISSN/ISBN 2340-1095/978-84-617-2484-0