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Abstract in English:
Coworking-spaces are based on a novel and contemporary organizational phenomenon appealing to diverse knowledge professionals with shared objectives, motivations, and goals. The concepts of entrepreneurship in coworking-spaces have been widely ignored in the previous studies. This exploratory research attempts to close this gap by analyzing how sociomateriality in coworking-spaces influences entrepreneurship. The findings of this study suggest that the sociomaterial designs in coworking-spaces connect entrepreneurs with other businesses, startups, and innovators through physical spaces, shared infrastructure, and digitalized technologies enabling them to gain relational and behavioral slack. Relational slack allows entrepreneurs to find their potential team members, clients, investors, and business partners whereas behavioral slack supports entrepreneurs to pursue novel and innovative ideas.
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Journal Academy of Management Annual Meeting
Publication Year 2018
Volume 2018
DOI 10.5465/AMBPP.2018.13853