Wherever I lay my laptop, that’s my workplace

Experiencing the New Work of Work in a Hotel Lobby

23 page Publication by Fiza Brakel-Ahmed in Cambridge, United Kingdom.
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Abstract in English:

Exploring the different facets of the new world of work (including the hacker and maker movements, platform work, and digital nomadism), this edited volume sets out to investigate and theorise how these new work practices are experienced by various actors. It explores such changes at both the micro and macro levels and sets out to link them back to wider social, managerial and political issues. In doing so, it aims to reflect on the similarities and differences between new and ‘old’ work practices and problematize discourses surrounding the future of work. This volume is characterized by the diversity of methods mobilized, the plurality of concepts, lenses and theories deployed as well as the richness of the empirical accounts used by the authors. It will appeal to a broad readership of management and organizational scholars as well as sociologists interested in current changes to the world of work.

Editor(s) Full Names Jeremy Aroles, François-Xavier de Vaujany, Karen Dale

Open Access? No

Book Title Experiencing the New World of Work
Publication Year 2021

Publisher Cambridge University
ISSN/ISBN 9781108496070

English | Discipline Social Science