A Study on the Composition and Characteristic of Coworking Space / 코워킹 공간구성과 특성에 관한 연구

7 page Publication by Hye-Sun / 혜선 Han / 한 , , , , ,
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Abstract in English:

Coworking space is the ideal concept of small companies, freelancers, startups, and entrepreneurs operating out of a shared office space while working independently of one another. The coworkers share the core values of coworking: collaboration, openness, accessibility, sustainability, and community. Little academic research has been completed on the composition of coworking spaces and the businesses that use them. The purpose of this study is to examine the organization and characteristic of coworking space based on domestic and international cases for providing basic data on the coworking space plan. This study examined existing academic literature, media, online sources to assess the environmental background of worldwide coworking space, the current status, conceptualization, and membership plan that can be appled coworking spaces. The case study for coworking space is limited to the space where there is web site that is showed floor plan. Coworking spaces are designed to be environmentally friendly, offering common area with many facilities to encouraging community and collaboration. For creating ideal coworking space, the concept of coworking space must be recognized as a community space for interaction and creativity between people and space. Based on the result of this study, the appropriate zoning, circulation and specific floor plan of coworking space is needed for the next research.

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Journal Journal of Korean Institute of Interior Design
Publication Year 2013
Volume 22(5)
Publisher Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
ISSN/ISBN 1229-7992
DOI 10.14774/JKIID.2013.22.5.276

Korean | Discipline Interior Design