Coworking 3.0

154 page Publication by Gabriele Desiderio in Roma, Italy.
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Abstract in English:

In recent years, the labor market and the way of doing business have changed rapidly and deeply. The current world has reached levels of complexity that require in every sector a change in our mentality and in our cultural tools: change that is also an opportunity to create new social models and new lifestyles and work, because the global market and innovative technologies can offer an effective response to financial and employment crises. Analyzing and understanding what is happening is the prerequisite for producing new ideas. So what could be the working scenarios of the future? This book tries to give an answer. The observatory is that of coworking, a work method in which young entrepreneurs can share not only spaces but also projects and ideas, in view of an economic model based not on competition but on cooperation. In the first part, the socio-economic model that can be applied to a complex society is analyzed, in which new social and economic phenomena like startups, coworking, the sharing economy, the smart city, smart work and fablabs interact. innovative workshops for the digital world. The current labor market is analyzed, equally complex, in which sustainability and transparency play an important role; and describes the model of sustainable economy and the social work environment of coworking. In the second part, an extensive mapping of Italian coworking and fablabs is provided: managers are interviewed and work spaces are analyzed, highlighting the relationships with institutions and schools and the innovative and social models they implement. All valuable information for those who want to work in a co-working or open one. “Co-working 3.0” is a courageous look at a phenomenon still in full evolution, which foreshadows a finally social dimension of work.

Abstract in original language:

Un bel libro per comprendere il coworking, soprattutto quello cosiddetto sociale. Un percorso che parte dalle condizioni cui si affermano i nuovi fenomeni come la sharing economy, le startup, i coworking, la smart city, il crowdfunding, il cohousing, ecc., e che analizza mercato del lavoro e modelli di economia sostenibile.

Coworking 3.0 affronta nella sua seconda parte il concetto di coworking sociale, riportando un’ampia mappatura dei coworking e fablab italiani ed intervistando i gestori.

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Book Title Coworking 3.0
Publication Year 2018

Publisher Bertoni

Italian | Discipline Business