Coworking Spaces, Accelerators and Incubators: Emerging Forms of Museum Practice in an Increasingly Digital World

13 page Publication by Oonagh Murphy , ,
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Abstract in English:

Digital technologies have begun to radically disrupt museum business models. The quantity of information available online today has never been so abundant, and easy access to information calls into question the role, purpose and ‘usefulness’ of museums. A century after John Cotton Dana called for a ‘useful’ museum, in‐house start‐up hubs where creative entrepreneurs can work, collaborate and create within the museum are being implemented. In doing so, these museums are reimaging Cotton Dana’s vision for the ‘useful’ museum into one that is fit for purpose in this digital age.

The present article focuses on how three museums are responding to the disruptions provoked by the proliferation of digital technologies and a broader interpretation of the museum’s remit, by redefining their role, purpose and practices. By developing a space for creative entrepreneurs within their museums, Te Papa (New Zealand), New Museum () and (Australia) are redefining what a museum of the 21st century could be. Through a series of semi‐structured interviews with senior managers at these museums, this article examines the strategic, practical and theoretical implications that these spaces, commonly referred to as ‘start‐up hubs’, have for museum practice. The analysis of an emerging mode of museum practice as a means to support museum professionals and academics who seek to engage critically with digital culture and emerging business models in museums will follow.

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Journal Museum International
Publication Year 2018
Volume 70
Publisher Wiley

DOI 10.1111/muse.12193

English | Discipline Humanities