Coworking: An analysis of coworking strategies for interaction and innovation

33 page Publication by Victor Cabral & Willem van Winden ,
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Abstract in English:

This paper analyses how managed coworking spaces affect the innovation process of their members. Managed coworking spaces are working environments for independent professionals, with an active role of the manager of the space to foster collaboration and interaction. It is often taken for granted that coworking contributes to innovation, yet, it is not fully understood how coworking spaces can be effective in fostering innovation, and what role management could play. This paper presents a mix of strategic management tools applied by two coworking spaces in Amsterdam. Qualitative research techniques were applied to shed light on their effectiveness for interaction and innovation. We analyse policy implications for owners/managers of coworking spaces to enhance collaboration, knowledge transfer and promoting new business opportunities.

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Journal International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development
Publication Year 2016

DOI 10.1504/IJKBD.2016.080869

English | Discipline Social Science