Design of an Innovative Furniture System: Improving Acoustic Comfort in Coworking Workplaces

Publication by Viola Geniola, Stefania Camplone, Antonio Marano & Emilio Rossi , , ,
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Abstract in English:

Coworking workplaces are shared production areas where the emerging class of ‘Millennials’ can work together. Unlike traditional ‘work-at-home’, this new business model shows clear pros for what concerns design-driven innovation, sustainable economies and creative industries. However, noise control and noise-related aspects need to be taken into account since they significantly affect the productivity and the livability of the work environment. To overcome this trend, we propose an innovative furniture system with integrated acoustic insulation panels that meets the new demands for original solutions for creative workplaces, mitigating the noise-related bad effects on workers.

Open Access? Yes

Publication Year 2020

Publisher Springer

English | Discipline Design