Guest, Friend, or Colleague? Unpacking Relationship Norms in Collaborative Workplaces

14 page Publication by Adele Gruen & Laetitia Mimoun , , , ,
| Disclipline

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Abstract in English:

In this chapter, we study how collaborative workspaces influence work in the sharing economy. We compare two types of shared workspaces, coworking and cohoming, and ask how much “co-” is happening within them. Using ethnographic data, we develop a typology of co- activities within collaborative workplaces and expand on the nature of the activities in each space. We discuss the modes of exchange and the relationships emerging within both collaborative workplaces and show how the structures and norms of cohoming and coworking influence these relationships. Collaborative workplaces are increasingly popular; it is critical to understand how they impact work practices, productivity, and well-being. This chapter advances our conceptualization of workspaces within the sharing economy.

Editor(s) Full Names Russell Belk, Giana M. Eckhardt, Fleura Bardhi

Open Access? No

Book Title Handbook of the Sharing Economy
Publication Year 2019

Publisher Edward Elgar Publishing
ISSN/ISBN 9781788110532

English | Discipline Marketing