Modelo de coworking de nicho para consulta externa médica en Bogotá

Publication by Martín Guerra González , , ,
| Disclipline

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Abstract in English:

Since the technology boom tsrated, the way of working among new generations has changed: their organization, form, mean, ends and intensity have all accomodated and morphed into the different company’s needs and so the needs of their workers. This study treats the tendencies, origin and purposes of Coworking.

Abstract in original language:

En la actualidad, la manera de trabajar ha cambiado con las nuevas generaciones; su organización, forma, propósito e intensidad se han acomodado a las necesidades de las empresas y en tanto de los trabajadores. Este estudio se centra extensamente en las tendencias, orígenes y fines del Coworking.

Open Access? Yes

Publication Year 2018

Publisher Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Spanish | Discipline Organization Studies