The potential of coworking spaces to stimulate local growth outside of major cities

The potential of coworking spaces to contribute to geographically distributed manufacturing activity and regional levelling up in the UK

37 page by Felicia Fai, Mariachiara Barzotto & Philip R Tomlinson in Bath, United Kingdom.
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Abstract in English:

This report “The potential of coworking spaces to stimulate local growth outside of major cities” is a briefing to local and national policymakers. It identifies more specifically, the contribution coworking spaces (CWS) can make to various levels of community: the community within the CWS, the local business community around it, and the wider social community in which they reside. It also identifies areas in which the government could offer more support. The potential value CWSs bring to each level of community means they deserve to have greater attention from local and national policymakers as they grapple with how to stimulate local growth and prosperity across the UK.

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Publication Year 2023

Publisher Interact

English | Discipline Economics