Coworking Spaces in Germany during the Covid-19 Crisis Utilized for Homeoffice and Homeschooling

11 page Publication by Hermann Gruenwald in Bangkok, Thailand.
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Abstract in English:

Aims: To capture the perception of coworking space (CWS) users during the covid-19 crisis for homeoffice and homeschooling purposes in terms of process, physical evidence and people components of the service marketing mix.

Study Design: This is a grounded theory study in nature which explores the users’ perceptions of coworking spaces.

Place and Duration of Study: Coworking spaces in Germany during the covid-19 crisis between March 2020 and August 2020.

Methodology: We included 200 respondents (88 male and 112 female; age range 18-88 years) who used the different services of various types of coworking spaces for entertainment, business and or education purposes as employees, entrepreneurs, retirees or students.

Results: Very important for the process are comfort and atmosphere together with cleanliness and safety (Mean 3.48, SD 1.31, r = 0.529). The physical evidence mentioned location in terms of access and the facility itself (Mean 3.54, SD 1.11, r = 0.650). People (Mean 3.31, SD 1.27, r = 0.619) make the CWS function with management, staff and customer mix.

Conclusion: Coworking spaces received a big boost during the covid-19 crisis after initial lockdown and will continue to grow in the New Normal with homeoffice and on-line learning becoming the norm while CWS focus on process, physical evidence and people components of their marketing mix.

Open Access? Yes

Journal South Asian Journal of Social Studies and Economics
Publication Year 2020
Volume 8(4): 57 – 67

ISSN/ISBN 2581 – 821X

English | Discipline Management